What we offer

What we offer

We offer senior's discount everyday.

Free Professional Advice

Diagnosing illnesses and symptoms can be extremely simple. Learning more about the condition that you have educates you, medical advice is something you want from a trusted source. Windwood pharmacy has a team of trusted and professional pharmacists to help you.

Free Prescription Delivery

At Windwood Pharmacy, we believe in providing convenience to our customers not only at home, but also at work. That’s why we’ve introduced a free delivery service to help busy customers with their prescriptions, over-the-counter medications, by delivering these items directly to their home*. Whether it’s a prescription you need to fill, an over-the-counter medication for a cold, Windwood Pharmacy will ensure you get what you need while at work. Best of all, this service is free

Free Blood Glucose Monitor Training & Free Blood Pressure Check Up

Self-monitoring of blood glucose is considered as an effective tool for the management of diabetes, especially for those who require insulin treatment. Patients should be properly trained in the use of blood glucose monitoring systems and to take appropriate action on the results obtained. Inadequate understanding of the normal fluctuations in blood glucose can lead to confusion and inappropriate action. Our team of professional pharmacists will train you in monitoring the Blood glucose level correctly .
We also provide free Blood Pressure Check Up for our clients.